Pursuit of Happiness - Smile :)

Div Manickam
6 min readApr 18, 2021

It’s a beautiful day. Isn’t it amazing what the mind can do? You won’t believe it but I woke up exactly at 5:21 am without the alarm.

You are wondering 5:21? Well, that’s what I have as set for my alarm on weekdays (5.21 is my birthday).

Now that was a beautiful gesture of the mind and I decided to wake up and start my beautiful day with a smile.

Be a Smile: Cameron Village, Raleigh, NC

These routines and habits that we’ve built in our mind can be so powerful that we just don’t see it sometimes. That is the beauty of the mind. If you set yourself in a direction. Then your mind will make sure that you reach that destination. So think about the things that you ask your mind to do — the good, the bad and the ugly. Your mind is trying to get you to where you want to go.

And that’s key. Make sure that where you want to go is where you really want to go. Not the negative, dark, black hole, but the bright, beautiful, and sunny beach. Or the negative emotion or thought or trauma. But the positive one. If you put your mind to it, it’s amazing the places you’ll go.

Smile Wi-Fi :)

So I took it to heart and renamed my wifi Smile. It’s a good reminder in case I forget. And also spread the joy to folks in the apartment building who see the Wi-Fi network name will smile too. What’s your Wi-Fi name?

A new perspective.

Over the past year, I’m getting better at listening to my mind. And also letting things go. I was very good at holding on to the past and to everything little and small thing that happened.

And that I think was a revelation. To realize that happiness is within and that what I’m searching for is not outside with materialistic things or with others, it’s right here with me every moment of the day. And I just didn’t see it. Now, that helped me to focus on pure joy and happiness.

To realize the little things are what really matter. My walks have become a part of me and I enjoy it because I get to see the world outside and blessed to be able to walk freely. Even if it is the same path that I’m walking every day, I see it with a different lens every…

